Wednesday, December 16

Widy Nichlany Soediro <3 role models :D

youuuuu guys know her?
she's FANTASTIC! AMAZING! FABULOUS! im obsessed with her.
haha vokalisnya band bernama VIERRA!
emang sih kalo di tv suka lipsync, but you know? SUARANYA ITU BAGUS!
i've ever saw them live! and it was GREAT! dan tiap mereka show off air, gue langsung buka youtube atau fb buat cari videonya!
pas intro (opening sebelum masuk lagu), dia ngescream dulu. and its so awesome!
jarang ada cewe yang jago scream! ya ga guys?
jujur gue suka takut kalo cowo ngescream. tapi kalo kidiw mah beda :)

and whatever she's wearing, she's always damn beautiful and fashionable!
haha. thats why i choose her for my rolemodel!
She has a microphone tattoo on her hand. again, its GORGEOUS! 
Well, lemme show you some pics :)  

 with manager






on a pensi i think.

sing guys!

from dengarkan curhatku v-clip

her tattoo

she rocks

taken long time ago
not-so-girly. not-so-boyish-either.


so how was it?
damn gorgeous right? 
i still have LOTS of her pics. alone, with vierra, or with her friends, and absolutely with her awesome clothes! but im not gonna post em all.

Widy Soediro Nichlany 'vierra'

tanktop+blazer. t-shirt (with grafity and such).
hotpants. skinny jeans. miniskirt. legging

necklace, usually the oversized one.
MJ's hat.

flats. sneakers. barely heels.

PS i love you

christmas :)

hello buhloggers,
miss me?

christmas time is near! wohooo.
dirumah juga udah siap pohon natal.
tapi, ada yang beda tahun ini :)
jadiiiii gue, anak-anak remaja & naposo bulung, ngerayain natal bareng anak-anak jalanan!

 hari minggu, jam 10an kita cao ke kali jodo, ada yang naik truk tronton, ada yang naik mobil pribadi.
nah gue ikut yang tronton. seruuu! selama dijalan ketawa terus.
yang cewe-cewe pada duduk, dan cowo-cowonya berdiri. 
udah gitu ga berhenti ngebanyol lagi. ngakak nonstop pokonya.

puas ketawa-ketawa, sampe, terus makan siang sebentar.
trus kita ke kolong jembatan gitu. grawwwrrrrr agak miris juga ngeliat mereka.
dibagi-bagiin topi santa, terus kita kebaktian kecil-kecilan, nyanyi2 lagu skola minggu.
selesai kebaktian, kita main games, bagi-bagi bingkisan, dan lain-lain.
teriknya siang gak kerasa! 


sekitar jam 5an, kita salam-salaman, trus beres-beres. satu persatu mereka juga pulang.
eh tapi mereka nyamperin kita lagi satu-satu, trus salam bilang "makasih ya kak!" awwwwww!
tersentuh banget gue! huhu. jadi ngerasa gimanaaa gitu. harusnya selama ini tu gue bersyukur. kalo ngeliat mereka aja yang tetep semangat begitu, masa gue kalah?
dalem hati gue berdoa supaya mereka selalu Tuhan lindungi, supaya hidup mereka Tuhan jamin. :)

habis itu pulang lagi, naik tronton lagi.
again, KETAWA-KETIWI. haha apalagi cowo-cowonya ngebanyol terus.

badan keringetan,rambut acak-acakan,kaki berlumpur,muka merah, TERBAYAR semuanya.
and i also got a big lesson that day.


Pics: taken from kakak naposo's facebook album.

Saturday, December 12

bottom of the ocean ;)

heyyyyooooo buh-loggers :)
its been a long time right?
i've been busy these days, n although i still use the pc,
i dont get the mood to update my blog!
EXAMS are done! hip-hip!
well ga gitu yakin juga sih. banyak yang nanya2 temen.

i dont know, high school feels so... *sigh
nilai-nilai gue kebanyakan ngepas. huhu trus jadi sering remedy.
padahal ya pas SMP setahun gue remed ga nyampe 5x!!!!

makanya itu.
trus gue juga berencana pengen pindah sekolah nih.
kalo temen-temen yang deket pasti udah tau dimana dan mengapa. haha
tapi rahasiaaaaaaaa. i'll tell you later, kalo udah pasti.
tapi misalnya ga berhasil pindah, its okay. (padahal dalem hati nangis)
pokoknya next semester be better, like i used to be!
sooooo keep praying for my report card and this moving plan!

oh iya, gue menguasai komputer. yeah!
ade-ade gue kan masih pada ujian! bahahaha
daritadi download-download lagu jadul.
like HSM3, Hannah Montana, bubbly, pokoknya yang lama-lama.

NOSTALAGIC! it brings back lots of wonderful memories dont cha think?

hemm, gue kangen banget sama temen-temen SMP. huhu.
nobody can replace them. GRAWRRRRR.
Sabtu depan katanya pada mau BBQ dirumahnya Cia!
sama sleepovah juga. semoga aja bisa ikut. huuu

trus ntar malem (12 dec 09) ada acara music odyssey d di metro.
taped sih. tapi pengen nonton!!!
kaya konsernya Addie Ms. pengen ngeliat kevin aaaaaa.
sama vierra juga. huhuhu
gimana ini?
ntar ade-ade gue mau ada acara natal sekolah minggu.
mereka mau dance nyanyiyah semacam itulah.
gue pengen liat mereka, haha pasti lucu :) tapi pengen liat music odysseys juga.

that's all for now. im sorry haha my post is kind of ABSURD.
keep safe guys.

PS i loathe you 

Saturday, October 24

MID-TERM was doneee! Hip-hip hurrayy!

WHOOAAAA miss ya blog!
been on mid-term exams this previous week. but its done olredy :0
hope i'll have good marks, in every subjects, no exception.
im not gonna lie, I DID A LIL CHEATING. yeah i did.
every students did, but i know someday who are smarts, and who are not that smarts will revealed.

on the last day of midterm tests, i saw p-man. walking with her gf. DAAAANGGG :C !

Oh iya, hari ini diajakin sama Maris ikut basket, disuruh pak erfan ato siapa gitu namanya bawa temen yang jangkung2.
mauuu siih, cuma IM NOT GOOD AT BASKET BALL. haha masa diantara anak2 basket yang jago cuma gue yang ga bisa.
Maris juga ga bisa sih, we're newbie tapi tetep aja. next week maybe ;)

hari ini juga seharusnya sparring scrabble sama SMAN 1, tapi guenya males.
terus i didnt practice choir juga. hahaha bandel!

soooo what did i do today?
ke SMP, mau menggalang dana (aseek bahasanya) buat mamahnya Bapak Eko yang lagi sakit parah. semoga cepet sembuh, GB.  
maunya ramean, tapi ujung2nya dateng cuma gue,Maria,sama Andira.
berangkatnya nebeng maria.
sungkem sama guru-guru. ngobrol-ngobrol, cerita-cerita.
dan banyak guru yang ngomomg "adekmu kok gitu sih?" atau  "adekmu bandel tuh!" atau "kok beda sama kakaknya?" bahkan si Pak Gun bilang "saya udah bilang ke adekmu, 'JANGAN MERUSAK REPUTASI KAKAKmu!' " buahaha macem-macem aja.
setelah ngobrol-ngobrol gue jadi semangat buat sekolah ;)

si ms yun nyuruh lawan my english teacher di SMA yang bilang 'who' dan 'whom' itu sama.
haha tapi gue ga berani. udah gitu dia bilang 'socks' jadi 'shock'
WTF? have you ever learn how to pronounce miss?

habis itu ngumpulin uangnya, nitip ke miss yunika.
ketemu2 ade-ade kelas. pada nanya2 sekolah dimana, enak engga, dan lain-lain. hihi susah ya eksis. (jiahhh)
bu yuni juga bilang "harus tetap eksis ya di SMA" haha thankyou ibu.

pas mau pulang kunci motornya maria HILANG! buahaha lagian ditinggal di motornya!
trus nanya ke pos satpam, ternyata di simpenin. THANKS SO!
Andira lanjut praktek biologi, yaudah gue n Maria pulang.
suddenly HUJAN DERAS! tapi tetep hantam!
si maria gue suruh ke rumah gue dulu gamau. dipaksa-paksa juga gamau. ckckck

akhirnya sampe rumah dalam keadaan basah kuyup. hihi

okayy thats all for today.updates soon :)

oh iya i still got no maid and its so sucks.

PS I loathe you

Sunday, October 11

in loveeee with P-Man

LOL yeahhh maybe its just another crush, but still.
i dont care he has gf olredy, or he's still single.
all i know he's so cute and nice and talented n science guy and have i mentioned cute?
i want to tell ya more about him but im afraid that my school mates will read n they will be known about him.
and this is a song for him :)

Miley Cyrus

smooth talkin,so rockin
he's got everythin that a girls wantin

guitar cutie he plays it groovy
and i can't keep myself from doin somethin stupid

think i'm really fallin for his smile
get butterfiles when says my name
he's got somethin special[x2]
and when he's lookin at me 
i wanna get all sentimental
he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]

maybe he could be the one
he could be the one
he could be the one oh,oh,oh
he could be the one [x2]
he could be the one oh,oh,oh

he's lightning sparks are flyin
eveywhere i go he's always on my mind
i'm goin crazy about him lately
and i can't help myself from now
my heart is racin think i'm really diggin on his vibe

he really blows me away
he's got somethin special [x2]
and when he's lookin at me
i wanna get all sentimental

he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]
maybe he could be the one he
he could be the one [x5]

and he's got away
of makin me feel
like everything i do is
perfectly fine the stars are aligned 
when i'm with him
and that's all into him
he's got somethin special [x2]
and when he's lookin at me

i wanna get all sentimental
he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]

maybe he could be the one
he could be the one [x6]

Saturday, October 3


still no maid. lots of school projects! *sigh
bikin kliping gitu, 20 halaman, terus bikin poster!
and then exams,  hws,no maid! no maid, no maid!

terus my school's bday is coming!
SMAN 5 tangerang :) n RAN will be the guest star. yooohooo!
choir mau perform juga, kea drumband gitu tapi sambil nyanyi n pake angklung, dan ga jalan.
maksudnya drumbandnya diem gitu, engga pawai.

besok minggu latihan pula. *sigh again

no maid, no maid, no maid.

PS i loathe you

books shopping!

yeah finally went to gramed last week :)
my lil sis' church friend, sidney, was having a bday party, jadi gue ikut nganter, tapi ga ikut pestanya.
me n my sis(grade 6) went to gramed, with rp100.000 sedoxo vouchers in our hand.
mama uda bilang "harus lebih dari 100, kalo kurang ga bisa, kalo lebih bisa tapi tambahin sendiri".

sebenernya pengen beli the clique-Lissi harisson , cuma haraganya 114.000! beuh, di times aja 98.000!

akhirnya gue ambil "a series of unfotunate events#12, the penultimate peril"-lemony snicket! gue emang suka ini series! 

tentang 3orphans gitu, terus dikejar2 sama organisasi yang terpecah jadi baik n jahat.
buku yang cerdas,seru banget, bacanya make otak. berat, ga bakal bikin lo seneng n terhibur,tapi seruu!

ada 13 series, yang uda di terjemahin 1-12. dan nomor 8 kebawah itu SUSAH banget nyarinya.
gue aja baca dari perpus SD ade gue, nitip.

and then me n my sis took "the lottie project"-jacqueline wilson! haha i always love jacqueline's!
sooo fresh, easy, childish, innocent, but they have a deep meanings n morals!
nah the lottie projectnya itu ga kesegel, gue ga tau harganya, dan gue ga mau yang ga kesegel.
gue minta ke mba-mba gramed yang baru-nya, tapi ga ada!
katanya tinggal satu2nya, so i took it. kondisinya juga bagus2 aja. tapi gue ga tau harganya.
haha, lanjuut!

my sis, retha ngambil banyak komik! haha gue pilihin, soalnya gue males nombok.
jadinya cuma satu, lupa judulnya, sama naruto-45 buat ade gue yg cowo.
and then, jeng jeng jeng,
time to pay,
gue kan ga tau harga the lottie project berapa, jadi gue siap2 20rb-an buat nambahin vouchernya,
eh ternyata PAS 100.000! haha,
gue kasih deh 2 voucher 50.00an,
dan..... shopping time ;))
terus dinner, terus daddy jemput, terus pulang deh!

PS i loathe you

Wednesday, September 23

i need maid so!

YEA its moi 2nd post today.
i need maid so much.
soalnya tanggal 28 september udah mau masuk sekolah,
dan ga ada yang nemenin opung gue di rumah. opung gue itu semi stroke guys. i ever told ya di posting "get a splash".
huhu hari ini juga mama gue mulai kerja, so me n my siblings got to do the chores by ourselves.
hiks :(

PS i loathe you

what a day ;)

sup guys? its been a long time :)
i've been in lebaran holiday, and i got no maid. so yeah, we all do the house chores which i hate it so. and i often use "another fuckin day" as my facebook stats because of this thing.

im gonna tell you about my yesterday.
after doin all the chores, i went to mall with ness, andira, n anazt.
mum n dad even gave me voucher gifts senilai (Rp 200.000.)
bisa dipake di outlet2 tertentu, n gue juga dikasih daftar2 outletnya.
and then.... we arrived at the mall. there was so full of peeps n most of them are ALAY!
it was around 1pm, tapi tiket "final destination" jam 3 were sold out! akhirnya ambil yang jam 5.
mau dibayar ppake voucher sodexon punya moi dad, katanya ga bisa. WTH?
katanya coba di bioskop2 jakarta aja. huhuhu

n then me n anazt went to debenhams, liat2 baju n sepatu, n we often talk about widy vierra.

haha she's my role model in fashion. im gonna post about her style later.
n nessa n ndira muter2 nyari kawanku yang covernya Tay Lautner. haha.

terusssss, lunch at solaria.
again i asked mbak-mbak solaria about my voucher. n katanya Ga bisa! WTH times two?
katanya mbak2 itu sodexon udah gag kerjasama lagi sama solaria!
okay okay, we order some foods, n take some pictures.
mean while, gue check daftar outlet2 yang berlaku voucher sodexon itu,
ada kok solaria,21, dll.
n thennnnnn i realize its MERCHANT KELUAR. hahahaha
yea call me fool.
jadi yang gue liat itu outlets yang udah putus hubungan ato ga kerjasama lagi sama sodexon.
stupidstupid me!!!!

we bought some movie snacks, n then we get in. 
gue telat gara2 ke kamar mandi dulu. hihi pee calling.
what i think? Final Destination itu SANGAT MENYERAMKAN.
tiap adegan mulai menunjukan tanda-tanda kematian, gue langsung buka hape n online.
takuut!!!! haha i was like a lil baby.
paling kocak yang matinya dengan soundtrack "why cant we be friends?" LOL.
saat adegan itu gue tutup mata sambil nyanyi2 "why cant we be friends." haha
disaat semua orang teriak2 ketakutan, Orang di sebelah gue was sleeping so tight!

After the movies, mum called me to pick me up.
gue anterin nessa anazt andira ke tempat taxi, trus gue duduk cengo nunggu mama gue selesai belanja.
terus disamperin, masukin barang-barang ke mobil, and pindah parkir sekalian cari makan.
tadinya mau di rice bowl, tapi gara-gara kita ngelewatin pizza hut, jadi pada pengen pizza.
makan di cocowalk, kenyang! terus ngobrol2. n then mum n  lil sis cari makan buat dibawa pulang buat oleh-oleh.

now just Dad,me bro n sis. ngobrol ber4, awalnya ngobrolin band ade gue, terus band gue (tambal band) yang ga jelas gimana kabarnya. terus ngomongin nama-nama band di indonesia yang semakin aneh. tiba-tiba babe bilang "ada gag 'abisin-band'?" sambil liat ke ade gue yg spagethinya gag abis-abis. n then ade gue bilang "engga, adanya 'udahkenyang-band'!" hahaha! konyol!!!
terus moi dad ngajak ke gramed buat make voucher sedoxon itu,

eh tapi uda jam setengahsepuluh. huhuhu, terpaksa cari waktu lain deh.

after my mum came, we went home. i love today so !

oh iya kenapa my family bisa ngumpul in complete? apakah opung gue ditinggal sendiri?

nooo! adenya opung gue lagi nginep dirumah, so kita bisa pergi having family time dan opung gue juga ga sendirian, bahkan bisa family time juga.

PS i loathe you

Saturday, September 19



The plan ; swimming at oceanpark. me, nessa,andira,anazt and mega.

The Problem ;
  1. Andira ga boleh naik angkot! its okay. we have taxi.
  2. Mbak gue mau mudik, n nobody @ home with my grandma. my grandma itu semi-stroke. kaya stroke tapi dy masih bisa ngobrol2, n tangannya juga masih bisa gerak. my parents will go take my nanny, n my two sistas have a christmas practice (@ church). my bro? yea he's home, tapi misalnya opung gue mau "pee"? masa dy yang urusin? Well, i dont know why, tapi akhirnya gue pergi juga. :)
  3. Anazt n grace malah ke PIM!   ancur! oke, kita bertiga aja deh!
  4. Andira ga boleh karena PANAS. superduper what the hell!Panas2 justru enaknya berenang ya ga? ness' dad try to push ndira's dad so he'll let we go. arrgghhh, tapi tidak berhasil, karena bokapnya Andira berpendirian teguh (read: batu). sooo, :(
  5. Gue udah mulai males, masa cuma berdua? Terus qta telponin anak2, tapi pada males, ada yang takut capek, ada yang maunya ke dufan, ada yang ga punya duit,bla...bla...bla...
    The Ending :kita tetep pergi! haha, walaupun cuma berdua. Agak2 serem juga naik angkotnya, soalnya gue ga biasa naik angkot jauh2. and then we were having so much fun. tapi tetep ga enak ma andira. coba dy bisa ikut. Bentar2 kita bilang "coba ada andira" or "kalo andira ikut pasti dy naik slide yg itu" or "kalo andira ikut dy pasti teriak2". kinda that.

    And we don't bring any soap! haha. Gue emang ga bawa sabun ato shampo, karena mikirnya "minta sama yang bawa aja" . Eh taunya ga ada yg bawa. Akhirnya saat lagi bilasan, gue dengan malu2 minta sabun sama mba-mba gitu. si nessa ga mau bantu ngomong, tapi ikut ngambil tu sabun. dasarr !

    and, we ofcourse-ly took some pics. enjoy :)

    and there are still many pictures, tapi males gue banyak2.
    just come to my or ness' facebook page. u'll find them.

    Terus, kita pulang sekitar jam 5-6an. Mampir bentar k mall.
    dan disana ketemu Anazt n Grace! haha.
    Akhirnya muter2 ber4. terus pulang deh.

    FYI, anazt is ness' sister :)

    PS I loathe you

    Tuesday, September 15


    Today just like yesterday(s), online,online, n online! whilE my bro n sis have gone to school, im sitting here, berkuasa atas my PC! hahahaha
    Yeahhh, i just googled about music sheet, and i've found some disney's song!
    but since im type of i-want-more person, i googled again, again, and again to find more,and more music sheets.

    so i've found some demi lovato's,Jonas's,archie,Taylor Swift's, n more music sheets.
    yeah i know im gonna get so much print-ink and papers.
    so i was thinking, n VOILA I got an idea!

    i saved those music sheet images, n transfered it to my cellfon.
    and then i will show those images at my tv,
    n then practice,practice,practice!

    yea i know its lame, but it SAVE ink,papers, n money.
    that means i prevents the global warming,right? 
     SOOOO find your way too stop the global warming guys.



    am i good at piano? NOO! wooff!
    i just play some easy songs, but im gonna learn for these song coz i love them.
    Do i go to piano course? NOO!!!
    My two lil sisters do, n they teach me.
    i've wanted to go to but i was at grade9 n mum told me to prepare the UAN-thing. 
    what about now? im high school now, n i got home at 3-4PM !
    i may be too tired to have courses. i'd love to take a nap instead!
    so what do you play?

    well about my musical ability, i play piano(just easy songs),guitar, and sing.
    my family is kinda music family.
    Mom n dad said we're gonna perform for Sitorus sejabotabek christmas party (its my family name), n we've to prepare some songs.
    but we are (even my mum n dad) just too busy for it.

    PS I loathe you

    Monday, September 14


    You guys must be known about this thing! 
    it happened on mtv VMA, when taylor was giving a speech thanking everybody because of the award that she got.
    she was so excited, and suddenly, Kanye West grabbed her mic, and said to the audiences .

    “Yo Taylor. I’m really happy for you. I’m gonna let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time!”
    and Taylor didnt know what to do,her face was looked down and nervous and the camera cut down.

    and some times later, Beyonce won an award, it was her time for speech,
    but ya know? she gave a moment for Taylor Swift! what a nice woman!
    i mean she didnt have to do that, but she did!
    and then Taylor finish her speech, and giving a hug to beyonce.

    I heart both of them ! Taylor Swift, yes im her fan.
    but Beyonce is so kind and nice. thats what we called "role model" maybe?

    and What did Kanye think?
    “I’m Sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would’ve said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she’s in the bleachers! …………………… I’m in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!…………….. Beyonce’s video was the best of this decade!!! I’m sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!!! I’m sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!!! Everybody wanna booooo me but I’m a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin’ the show at the cribe right now cause…. Well you know!!!! I’m still happy for Taylor!!!! Boooyaawww!!!! You are very talented!!!!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me… That’s what it is!!!! I’m not crazy yall, I’m just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor and I’m sincerely sorry!!! Much Respect!!!!!”
     i don't know its really from his heart, or thats what his manager told?
    only God knows :)

    source; youtube and
    picture; google

    PS i loathe you 

    Sunday, September 13

    i dont think about it

    -emily osment

    I don't think about it
    I don't think about it

    Everybody feels that way sometimes

    Oh oh oh oh
    I wish I could Fit in with all the rest, but I
    Oh oh oh oh
    Got my own style
    Got my own way
    I don't care what people say, yeah

    cause I don't think about it
    I don't think about it
    I don't think about it
    Bein' myself there ain't no doubt about it I won't cry any tears
    I'll just live without fear
    I'm so happy cause
    I'm Living my life and I don't think about it

    A shooting star
    Twinkling across the sky at night
    Near or far
    I'm wishing everyting will be alright
    Oh oh oh oh
    Got my own dreams
    Got my own plan
    Gonna get there any way I can

    cause I don't think about it
    I don't think about it
    I don't think about it
    Bein' myself there ain't no doubt about it I won't cry any tears
    I'll just life without fear
    I'm so happy cause I'm
    Living my life and I don't think about it

    Cause I'm living my life and I don't think about



    You guys must be known about that sentence! sooooo, im now often saying that sentence because of some one who is so annoying !
    hey biatch, its not my problem. the one that did wrong is YOU!

    so here the story goes...
    i have a friend in my high school which is an ex of my friend (a boy) which now(the boy) is dating with one of my bestie.
    this girl often talk about 'getting back' with the boy, or mocking my bestie, said she's prettier, something like that. yea i know she was just kidding.
    ofcourse tell my bestie about what did she said!
    my bestie absolutely getting mad, and told her bf. her bf talked to me.

    and here is the fight, 

    he bf text this stupid girl to not talk more about her gf which is ma bestie.
    and they both were kinda fighting,
    and the stupid girl text me,
    that im a big mouth, that i cant shut my mouth, that i made she n that boy broke the friendship, WHAT?
    thats ur problem! u talked about them, all i've to do is tell ma bestie the truth!
    when i told her to apologize, SHE DONT WANT TO!  

    What a loser she is! 
    She said she dont have any mistake, and She said ive to fix this because i started it. 
    WHAT? you did the wrong thing,dude! not me!


    well, i was writting with emotion explosion, so tell me if there's a misspelled or wrong grammar.

    PS. iloathe you

    its DONE!

    finally :) really big thanks for my lil sister, and for ms zara zombie!
    i've been workin for this for lots of times.
    hope you guys like it.
    and tell me your linkies, so i'll put u here, but you have to put mine too at ur blah-g.
    see ya laytah.
    PS. i loathe you

    i dont know how to make a blog skin

    SiGH !
    im workin on it now.
    feel my blog is so unimportant?
    just wait.

    PS. i loathe you

    Saturday, September 12

    my major first blog !

    because im still a newbie blogging world,
    i still need some time to "make up" my blog looks.
    cheers :)

    PS. i loathe you