Wednesday, March 17

bust a move!

so hello fellas :)
so hows ur days? me is still having a holiday for two weeks! YAYYAYAY.
sitting infront of mi pc with "bust a move" playing from glee!
feeling kinda bored. wakeup-tidyup-shower-breakfast-dvd-online.
AH IYA and doing my ASSignments which i supposed to do but i barely do it.
seriously, its A LOT!
  1. Math: LOTSA exercises from LKS, and also the book. i mean it. more than 10 pages.
  2. English: try to find 10 examples of headlines from newspapers and changed it into proper language. and also "cut & stick" a news item article from the newspaper, and find the general structures.
  3. Biology: exercises from biology book & LKS.  a lot.
  4. Physics: i forgot about what's the task. but im sure its not too much. 10ish numbers maybe. but DIFFICULT.
  5. Chemistry: some 10-20ish exercises from the book.
  6. History: LKS. a lot.
  7. Civics: finish ALL the exercises from the modul. ALL THE EXERCISES IN THE 2nd semester.
  8. Eco: lotsa. more than 5 pages of exercises. with the accounting thingy also. T.T
that's all that i remembered. lots right?
PS i loathe you
(pic source: deviantart)

Friday, March 12

doodles :)

YELLOW bloggiesss :)
you know what? im having a Holiday for TWO WEEKS !
and i think there are still more holidays coming. thank God.
too bad those teachers give us LOTSA ASSignments.
srsly why do they dont wanna see us happy and free just for 1-2 days?

anyway, do you guys know doodles?

A doodle is a type of sketch, an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.
Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.
Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook.  (source:wikipedia)

i love to do doodling while in class.
much better rather than playing celfon, or talking with ur mates.
because once your teacher bust you, you're dead.

so these are couple of my doodlings during the civics class. Enjoy :)


 Too cool for school

so wadcha think?

 PS i loathe you

Saturday, March 6

Alice in Wonderland XD

good day fellas :)
have you seen "Alice in Wonderland"?
If you haven't, get your ass off to the cinema now!
It's effin awesome :) i just watched it yesterday with my besties.
Alice in Wonderland was my favorite book when i was kid. around 6-7 years old maybe.
so sad, i don't know where are those books now :(
one is "story & pictures" and the another one is "you choose the ending".
I wonder where are those books now. LOL.
i used to read it, and after im done, i just threw it away hahaha.

me, and Andira went to the mall first, to save the seats.
and you know what? we got the J seat. the 3rd seats from the front.
WTH? and then we both hang around like crazy.
nessa came later because she has school.

done we watched the movie, we hang around again. (I miss my gurrliess so much)
and we did a lil shoots at icon life's photo booth :)

there are still lotsa pics :) i edited & combined this one.

we saw hottie there haha.
and after the shoots are printed, i serioiusly need to get a new hair cut. my bangs are long enuf, even it is covering my eyes!

we tried some shoes @ debenhams :)

around 8 pm, nessa andira went home. lucky my family were oin the mall too.
i begged my mum for a new shampoo.first she didnt let me to, but finally my mum let me buy it! YAY!
Its L'oreal Paris Ultra rich. for a messed up hair like mine.
hope it has a good quality, just like the price. LOL

and then me and my family had dinner at GK, it was almost mid nite, and the restaurant was getting ready to closed.

and then we went home :)

i washed my hair with the new shampoo, and i cut my bangs. by my self.

thats all.
i'll update a post as often as i could bloggers.

thanks for reading :)

PS I loathe You

Friday, March 5

no worries :)

hell-oooooooooow bloggies :)
miss me? hahaha
well i just did some re-designing with my blog. enjoy.

do you guys know "simon webbe" ?
old songs :) i used to listen to this when i was 10 maybe.
and i just downloaded it again few days ago, and WHOA he is awesome!
check out my playlist to find out.
and here is some of his lyrics that i love.
its on my playlist also btw.

"No Worries"

I just know your life's gonna change
Gonna get a little better
Even on the darkest day
I just know your life's gonna change
Gonna get a little further
Right until the feelings change
So, is this how it goes?

Think you've come this far with nothing to show
That ain't so, no
You don't see where you are
And if you don't look back you know you'll never know
Cause you think that you've been living, just treading water
And waiting in the wings for the show to begin
But I always see you searching
As you try that bit harder
Getting closer, oh yeah, to the life you're imagining

(I just know your life's gonna change)
Maybe not today, maybe not today
Some day soon you'll be all right
(I just know your life's gonna change)
Don't turn the other way, turn the other way
Feels like luck is on your side
(Just wanna live)
No worries, no worries
(Don't wanna die)
No worries, no worries
(Fight through the lows)
Say it for me, say it for me,
(And take all the highs)
We all need somebody
(Yeah we can sink)
No worries, no worries
(Or can you swim)
No worries, no worries
(Or walk on out)
Say it for me, say it for me,
(Or jump right in)
We all need somebody

So, baby keep drifting on
Your endeavours ain't just selfless wasted time
Seek and find, yeah yeah
You're not that far from what you've hoped and wished for all along
Cause you think that you've been living, just treading water
And waiting in the wings for the show to begin
But I always see you searching
As you try that bit harder
Getting closer, oh yeah, to the life you're imagining


I just know your life's gonna change
Say it for me, say it for me
We all need somebody

giving new faith right?

PS I Loathe You
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