Thursday, May 27

you cant always get what you want.

You can't always get what you want, 
but if you try sometimes, 
you might find, 
you get what you need ;]

ohai fellas ;] my life's is been in a rush nowadays. how's yours?
so the final exams is getting nearer. oh myyyy. i have lotsa things to do. yeah and ofcourse its connected to school T.T dayummnnn i envy my sister so much. she's in grade 6 on elementary school now. she's now waiting for the exam result. means she has no more school! all things she do is playing yoville day by day. GRAWR.wish me lucks kay?

Friday, May 21

i knoe you want me ;]

its been like forever right? its two weeks more to the exam week. -sigh-. i really have so much things to do. assignments, exams, church stuffs, blah blah blah. Future does make me scared. i mean what college to go, accepted or not, about the fee, what job will i get, and for now, IPA or IPS?
just wish me lucks, and I know God makes the best plan ;]

ah and im loving Glee. ;] you ofcoursely  know Glee  right?

and my most favorite characters r Quinn, Puck, & Finn. Yay!!!
so far i've watched till 15th episode. cant wait for more. 

for the songs, well, ALMOST VERY SONG in it! and i youtube-d some glee live videos yesterday. to be honest, i used to think they dont really sing, but WOW! 
after i watch those videos, all i can say is "I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THEM LIVE! COME TO INDONESIA! WE LOVE YOU! BLAH BLAH" lol

thats all for now ;] and im planning to make a post about senior year. the prom. and such ;] hope i'll get the mood.

PS i loathe you

Saturday, May 8

Love Isn't

hello fellas. how's your weekend? mind is, um, typical? well sorry i barely blog. no matter how i promise y'all i'll blog as much as i can, i just... can't. i dont get the mood :/

so, last week on sunday, i went to UPH Karawaci, to see my sister performing a concert.
the students from music faculty were given a project/task, about "music & sociality". they had to teach some kids how to sing in a choir, or playing percussion, or being in a drama. & then they present it on a mini concert. because my sister & her friends were invited (via a church near our house) so me & my fam went there to see them. 

it was so cool. not the perform, yeah the performances were awesome though. but, i mean the campus, how do they work, how do the lecture teach them,  & stuffs! its makin me wanna go there for my college. but yeah, you know, money? LOL. but lets see what happen in the future. anything's possible.

& then i met a hottie with SLR! YAY. haha. i went to the front to take pictures, & also to get closer with him. he was so hot! i mean with the SLR, & his face. he was running back and forth to get the best angle. and he also sat on the floor sometime when he was taking pic. none of my friends & relatives know him, but i've already got his facebook. stalker much?

ah and i took a pic of my outfits that day. whaddaya think? i know its not that fashionable, nor that pretty. but so what? i heartt it. happy weekend :)

stay awesome bloggers,
PS I loathe you