Holah bloggers :) miss me not? okay. so school's off, and here i am, having nothing to do. so here is a few pictures i took ages ago, about random food i had which will engulf your hunger. enjoy!
Avocado float :9 had this at a hospital foodcourt. tastes good.
i guess i had this during valentine or so. it's yummeeh !
strawberry cheesecake cornetto disc. where's the cheesecake, eh?
DURIAN. Enough said.
sushi & chewy junior.
koko krunch! just so you know, in my house we have cereals as snack, not breakfast lol
So, hungry much?
And oh, i changed my URL to http://sparkflies.blogspot.com just so you know. If you're linking me and do mind, please change the link. If you don't well... ok.
Talk to you later strangers.