Tuesday, December 14

Teenage Dream

OHAI bloggers. it's been like forever? I KNOW RIGHT? so, what is it going on with you?
i can't believe it is december already! woohoo the most wonderful month of the year, CHRISTMAS! and i just finished my exam this monday, hope im doing well at the report card.

now, for the big news. *drum rolls*


Gosh, i love twitter

i was in the middle of the sick feeling to study and then, i received a text from my friend Vanessa "Damn Han, tweet lu di bales Harry Shum" and then i was like, OMAGA. yes i did jumping & dancing around also :)

anyway this is my soundtracks lately 

They're all good, i've missed a lot of episodes though.

I'm planning to DVD-shop & watch Rapunzel Tangled Tale soon when my siblings finished their exam, but idk if it still showing at the cinema by that time.

that's all for now folks, write again when i write again.

PS i Loathe you

Friday, October 8

kids are quick huh?

PS I Loathe you

Let this be our prayer.

happy friday bloggers :] so i have a good prayer for those who is in a difficul situation. and also who's in good situations. talk about this to God, mean it with  your deepest heart, and see how it works!

Dear Lord,
Thankyou for *insert your circumstances here*. 
Your plans are always good, Lord. 
I believe you have a plan and purpose on this. 
Help me to discover that plan, 
because Lord, I believe you're about to do something wonderful. 
Something more wonderful than we could possibly imagine.
Thankyou so much Lord, i love you as always.
 so that's it. beautiful isn't it?

another updates, I bought glee season 2 eps 1-2 on dvd last wednesday! i just can't stand it to wait until it shows on starworld so i bot it! Still im loving the songs, the story, the casts, especially Mike Chang!!! i mean those abs, those packs, and dance moves. OH EM GEE *dies*

and imma start the mod term test this monday T.T wish me luck!

PS I loathe you

Saturday, September 25

you're my favorite song

ohai there bloggers :] miss me, not? anyway it's saturday afternoon right now. and the weather is oh-so-lovable!
now im gonna share to you my recent playlist :) enjoy!

  • If i ain't got you - Alicia Keys & Usher 

  • Camp Rock 2 soundtracks. (most favorite are wouldn't change a thing & heart and soul)

  • This Boy That Girl - Hannah Montana & Iyaz

  • Love Today - Mika

  • Ring Ding Dong - Shinee

  • Mess I made - The Parachute

 and a lot more ;D well listening to music is my kind of therapy to get through school days. ah and also watching funny and simple tv shows. my recent favorite is Big Time Rush!!!!!

anyway sorry for less-bloggings. hoping to see ya here again.

PS I Loathe You 

Monday, August 9

Matthew 5:44

"But i tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you"
seringai vs senyuman.
enough said.

source : here

Friday, July 23

big time rush ♥

like whoaaaaaaa. i mean i don't even ask him to! yes i did tweet him a time or two, ask him to say hi to me but i it never crossed my mind that he will follow me. OMAGA :) this made my day.

well anyway, school's back. i don't know i kinda get new spirit. i choose & accepted at science class. my school made some movement to make my school quality better. that's good huh? and this year i want to be smarter & be the best (well i always want to and thank God i reached em last year). Ah i also want to be more active at school club. i joined choir & english club but yeah, i barely be active :) and i want to visit & borrow books from my library more often. although its novels or encyclopedia. i want to make more friends. so from now on. GO SELF! YES I CAN! WOOHOO. I LOVE YOU JAMSEY (?).

PS I loathe you 

Tuesday, July 6

daddy long legs.

G'Afternoon strangers. how's your day? hope it's all good.
well i've been reading daddy long legs. have you heard? it's a good book though i haven't finished it yet. but yes it is! you should find it & read it your self. written by Jean Webster.

& guess what. i just googled to find those pics. and it has many kinds of version. mangas, comics, film, musical opera, korean, japenese, and yeah. WHOA!

Jerusha Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. The children were wholly dependent on charity and had to wear other people's cast-off clothes. Jerusha's unusual first name was selected by the matron off a grave stone, while her surname was selected out of the phone book. At the age of 18, she has finished her education and is at loose ends, still working in the dormitories at the institution where she was brought up.
One day, after the asylum's trustees have made their monthly visit, Jerusha is informed by the asylum's dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to pay her way through college. He has spoken to her former teachers and thinks she has potential to become an excellent writer. He will pay her tuition and also give her a generous monthly allowance. Jerusha must write him a monthly letter, because he believes that letter-writing is important to the development of a writer. However, she will never know his identity; she must address the letters to Mr. John Smith, and he will never reply.
Jerusha catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor from the back, and knows he is a tall long-legged man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him "Daddy Long-Legs." She attends a women's college, but the name and location are never identified; however, men from Princeton University are frequently mentioned as dates, so it is certainly on the East Coast. The college is almost certainly based on the author's alma mater, Vassar College, judging from college traditions mentioned. She illustrates her letters with childlike line drawings, also created by Jean Webster. (WIKIPEDIA)

read it for your self folks. especially those who don't know what to do in this almost-done school break.

anyway i go to a driving lesson for this week. wish me lucks. & wish no car crashed and no one got injured. LOL. bye ;]

PS I Loathe you 

Sunday, July 4

do nothing day -.-

Kind, &
Loving, &
Softness, & 
Sweetness, &
Candy, &

Peppermints, &

Pink Flowers, &
Bunnies, & 
Happy Songs we can all hum.

Draw a smiley face on the sun.
yeah it's fun.

Slow down and look around you.
Throw your to do list away.
The Clouds look like sheeps and Vice Versa.
All on do nothing day.

Cuddles, &
Wet noses, &
Safety, &
Laughter, &
Skip to and Fro.

Holding hands,
Sharing snowcones, &
Rainbows, &
No place where we have to go.

So we're just gonna go with the flow.
well you know.
Slow down and look around you.
Throw your to do list away.
The Clouds look like sheeps and Vice Versa.
All on do nothing day.

PS I Loathe you

Monday, June 28


this is the team i am supporting for 2010 worldcup. ESPANA!!!

&& this is the Man whom everybody loves



I am tall (for Indonesian's standard). 5'7"ish.
I stalk people. you better be careful.
I can't live without technology.
My tounge is sharp. Most of my words do hurt although i didnt mean it.
I am 16, & i do love watching disney channel.
I buy pirated DVDs.
I am a headstrong.
I am a booknerds.
I enjoy making new friends.
I am selfish.
I don't drink coffee. not because the caffeine or stuffs. I just dont like how it tastes.
I don't drink soda.
I play guitar (standard chords).
I sing everyday. or should i say everytime?
I wish i were rich(er).
I believe God has made the best plan for me.
I change my mind almost every hour.
I love my family though they're annoying sometime.
I am trying to do the best.

Love me or Hate me this is my self.
stay safe strangers.

--this is copied from about me section on my facebook.

PS I loathe you

Permanent December

hey fellas ;] new design of my blog. like it loathe it? i make it simpler than before. so which one you like better? this one or the old one?

anyway holiday's only two weeks left. though i have so much things to do & to be done.
GRAWRR. that's all. i know. absurd. bye.

PS I Loathe you 

Monday, June 21

total eclipse of the heart

hello fellas ;] school break is on! YEAH! && thank God my report card has a better progress. now here i am enjoying my days, saying "what to do today?" lol i wish i could say it everyday. too bad one of my fella is goin to move to Bali in the next year :( gonna miss you. ah anyway i have finished watching glee season 1. YAY. yes i just can't get enough.can't effin wait till the 2nd season.

anyway let me tell you about my favorite place. Times book store.

i love to go there for hours, spending times chilling up, drowning my self with  bunch of books. i have finished one book ;] & now im reading another one and it almost done.
the situation, the atmosphere, the view, is damn great. lotsa good books. i once went there to study physic with 2 of my friends. i often go there alone. you know, i feel uncomfort to went there with my friends. they might get bored in 15minutes lol.  sometimes i find people come just to have a chat, or a little meeting, or even just to have a wi-fi haha. we're not allowed to take pics there. you better be sneaky if you want to hihi

come for a visit fellas.  you'll heart the place.
oh i should get payment for promoting this lol

PS I loathe you

Saturday, June 12

ice-ice babyyyyy

nowplaying: ice ice baby- Glee

oh hai bloggers ;] thank God the exam week just done today. goodbye papers. goodbye waking-up-in-3-AM. good bye STUDYING! hihi almost all of my friends got their report card today. hem too bad i am in negri :p there's a week to the report card. GOSH. i dont know, high school feels so-so. it's hard to get good grades just like what i've done in junior high (not meant to showoff). ah hope i won't have remedial & stuffs. please God im tired enuf. & i hope all of my result is more than the average. 

& btw my pc has been good ;) i can save up looklet easily now.

visit more looks here

so what im gonna do this week? DVDS! MALL! HANGIN WITH MY PC. AH and also with my fellas.
& im going to benton this saturday night to meet up with some of my besties.

blog soon. 
wish me lucks.
PS I loathe you

Thursday, May 27

you cant always get what you want.

You can't always get what you want, 
but if you try sometimes, 
you might find, 
you get what you need ;]

ohai fellas ;] my life's is been in a rush nowadays. how's yours?
so the final exams is getting nearer. oh myyyy. i have lotsa things to do. yeah and ofcourse its connected to school T.T dayummnnn i envy my sister so much. she's in grade 6 on elementary school now. she's now waiting for the exam result. means she has no more school! all things she do is playing yoville day by day. GRAWR.wish me lucks kay?

Friday, May 21

i knoe you want me ;]

its been like forever right? its two weeks more to the exam week. -sigh-. i really have so much things to do. assignments, exams, church stuffs, blah blah blah. Future does make me scared. i mean what college to go, accepted or not, about the fee, what job will i get, and for now, IPA or IPS?
just wish me lucks, and I know God makes the best plan ;]

ah and im loving Glee. ;] you ofcoursely  know Glee  right?

and my most favorite characters r Quinn, Puck, & Finn. Yay!!!
so far i've watched till 15th episode. cant wait for more. 

for the songs, well, ALMOST VERY SONG in it! and i youtube-d some glee live videos yesterday. to be honest, i used to think they dont really sing, but WOW! 
after i watch those videos, all i can say is "I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THEM LIVE! COME TO INDONESIA! WE LOVE YOU! BLAH BLAH" lol

thats all for now ;] and im planning to make a post about senior year. the prom. and such ;] hope i'll get the mood.

PS i loathe you

Saturday, May 8

Love Isn't

hello fellas. how's your weekend? mind is, um, typical? well sorry i barely blog. no matter how i promise y'all i'll blog as much as i can, i just... can't. i dont get the mood :/

so, last week on sunday, i went to UPH Karawaci, to see my sister performing a concert.
the students from music faculty were given a project/task, about "music & sociality". they had to teach some kids how to sing in a choir, or playing percussion, or being in a drama. & then they present it on a mini concert. because my sister & her friends were invited (via a church near our house) so me & my fam went there to see them. 

it was so cool. not the perform, yeah the performances were awesome though. but, i mean the campus, how do they work, how do the lecture teach them,  & stuffs! its makin me wanna go there for my college. but yeah, you know, money? LOL. but lets see what happen in the future. anything's possible.

& then i met a hottie with SLR! YAY. haha. i went to the front to take pictures, & also to get closer with him. he was so hot! i mean with the SLR, & his face. he was running back and forth to get the best angle. and he also sat on the floor sometime when he was taking pic. none of my friends & relatives know him, but i've already got his facebook. stalker much?

ah and i took a pic of my outfits that day. whaddaya think? i know its not that fashionable, nor that pretty. but so what? i heartt it. happy weekend :)

stay awesome bloggers,
PS I loathe you

Saturday, April 24

everybody's changing

"Everybody's changing 

& i don't feel the same"

hey fellas. wont talk to much. just say, my exams is done. let's hope for the best result okay. wish me luck. thats all. i know, its absurd. i'll post anything bt better when im in the mood. x

PS I loathe you

Friday, April 16

haven't met you yet

hey its me again :)
you know michael buble right? well, this is one of my favorite song of him. its actually about love, but in my case its not. enjoy!

haven't met you yet - michael buble

I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times
I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down 

I tried so very hard not to loose it 
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know some day that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

I might have to wait, I’ll never give up
I guess it's half timin and the other half's luck

Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life

And I know that we can be so amazin
And baby your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility

Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

They say all’s fair in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united

And I know that we can be so amazin
And bein in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility

another random thing. you know Justin Bieber feat Ludacris - Baby? my maid use that song, as a ringtone. believe it or not. she said she recorded the song from the radio. HAHAHAAHA 

PS I Loathe you

squirrels in my pants :)

hello bloggies :) thank God its Friday. and dammit i have mid term exams next week. urrrghhh.

any way, do you know phineas & ferb? it is lovee. call me childish or watever. but i like these series. genius! ah & the songs r also good. especially, Jeremy's character that dubbed by Mitchel musso <3 me heartss it so much.

and i recommend some songs for you. they are:
  • Gitche-gitchee goo - phineas, ferb, & candace.
  • Do Nothing day - Jeremy & Candace
  • Busted - Candace & Vanessa
  • I Ain't got rythm - (i forget who sings it, my bad)
  • Queen of Mars - Candace
  • Squirrels in my pants - candace & some street rappers.
you should totally check them out!

and i joined another giveaways! check out these cuteeee stuffs. just click she waits for whisper for more.
thats all for today. i'll post things as soon as possible. ah and wish me luck for the exam. x

PS I loathe you

Saturday, April 10

everybody's changing

heyyo strangers. OMG it is saturday already? dammit. back to effin school on monday. ah and i haven't done my assignments & suchs. grrr

so, im gonna do a lil update. me & my besties just hang out on thursday. THANK GOD. i miss these bitches so much. we do some karaoke & laugh & do crazy. FUN!

me, albertha, & Andira. super crazeeh

Find more pics on my facebook.

ah im kind of interested in playing looklet these days. sadly, sometimes when i try to save my design, it didn't go well D: so here it is:


whaddaya think? my most favorite part is the BLAZER! OMG its suppah cool dont cha think?

speaking about blazer, i've found some blazers from my mom's wardrobe, and she said its not fit anymore to her. YAY. imma find tailor to make it into my size. & VOILA! pictures later okay?

btws, im entering evitanuh's give aways. wish i could win. for further info,just click here.

guess thats all for tonight. i have church tomorrow morning. so TEEHEE :D (idk either whats the meaning but people love to say this word in the end of sayings or such) xoxx

PS I Loathe You

Monday, April 5

put your records on :)

hello fellas :) im still in my school break. envy much?
well, i've been helping my mum with her college's stuff lately. its tiring you know. lotsof papers & projects. you know, my mom's not that good in microsoft word haha so as a good daughter i help her. although sometimes i didn't cuz im too lazy. so yeah, but i still help a lot.

so now, she's in her mid-term exam week. & yesterday (monday) she didn't go to work, to finish her ASSignments. haha bad mommy. ah of coursely i help her with the typing, alignment and such. and then i watched toothfairy downstairs while she was continuing her task.

and then..... around 2pm, she asked me to go to the mall. the first reason is, to buy a printer ink cuz we were running out of ink. but after we catched the mall, we do some creambath. haha. i love to do this. well just so you know, my hair is super thick. and messy. i wish my hair was fine. i often pony tail-ed my hair so it'll look good.

and then we went to the gramedia to buy the ink. on the way to gramed, we passed a "converse" outlet. GAH i asked my mum to buy me one, i was just saying. i thought my mom will say "baru kemaren beli sepatu" or "yang dirumah juga msih ada" or such. but she said "ayo liat dulu" 


and i try a cuple of shoes, with affordable price ofcourse. then we bought one. the black-white one so besides hangin out, i can also wear it to school.

YIPPIE thankyou mommy :) . well, is this because i helped her a lot these days? who knows?

& then we had dinner at bakmi GM. we pick my sister & brother who were having music courses (piano & electric guitar), which also in the mall. and then wait for  my daddy to pick us up.

that's all for today. do follow my twittah & blog. & tell me if you wanna exchange ur blog link with me :)

pictures: here
PS I loathe you


Sunday, April 4

a series of unfortunate events.

whoa these are the best books evurr! i have read the 1-13 series. and you know what? UNSATISFIED. since the 1st book, i always curious about what would happen next. even more after i read the "next". ah, and there are more other books after the 1-13. wish i had more money, i'd buy them all. including the non 13 series books. :(.

these books are AVCBNFKLHT43PREI no words needed :P. although the author keeps telling you to put the book back, and find something else happier to read.

Here is some of the series:
  1. The Bad Beginning
  2. The Reptile Room
  3. The Wide Window
  4. The Miserable Mile
  5. The Austere Academy
  6. The Ersatz Elevator
  7.  The Ville Village
  8. The Hostile Hospital
  9. The Carnivorous Carnival
  10. The Slippery Slope
  11. The Grim Grotto
  12. The Penultimate Peril
  13. The End
all of them has 13 chapters inside.

and here are the other books, not the part of the series, but they "support" the story.
  • Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can’t Avoid  
  • The Beatrice Letters  
  • The Puzzling Puzzles  
  • The Notorious Notations  
  • Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography  
  • The Blank Book
ah and you should visit LemonySnicket.com <3

may God Bless you.
pictures:: here & here

Saturday, April 3

a whole new world ;D

i love this cover version so much :))). i am an ASTORIAN! well it means im a mega huge "APRILIO STORY FAN". I've been a fan (or else, stalking ;P) since they weren't Aprilio Story. they were just Oso & Adri, two brothers who like to make some music cover video on youtube.

the first covers i watched were  : she makes dirty words sound pretty, cathy sharon, and fire flies!

i don't know, i kinda feel both happy & sad that they are more famous than before. i used to feel that i am the only one who know about this ozzum boys. but these days? everybody knows them :(
i kinda want to scream "I SAW THEM FIRST PEOPLE" lol haha. I still love them though.

to watch more covers from them, just click here. Enjoy !
well, keep rockin Aprilio Story :)

PS i loathe you

so sick ;/ - Ne yo

 Mmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Ohh Yeah

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us
And I'm stronger then this
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Cryin over you
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be

(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Dont make me think about her his smile
Or having my first child
Let it go
Turning off the radio
enough said.

PS i love you

Thursday, April 1

should've said no.

Heyyo bloggers.
I miss you. haha. well i currently using some random songs as a title for my post.
don't take it too seriously, k?
so its been a long time no updates from me :p and i have a great news.
i've borrowed many DVDs from my fellas. too bad, the teachers dont forget to give us homeworks (as always :( )

um, i think im gonna start post some mini-post. maybe just a quotes, or pictures? let's see.
TTYL :)))

PS i loathe you

Wednesday, March 17

bust a move!

so hello fellas :)
so hows ur days? me is still having a holiday for two weeks! YAYYAYAY.
sitting infront of mi pc with "bust a move" playing from glee!
feeling kinda bored. wakeup-tidyup-shower-breakfast-dvd-online.
AH IYA and doing my ASSignments which i supposed to do but i barely do it.
seriously, its A LOT!
  1. Math: LOTSA exercises from LKS, and also the book. i mean it. more than 10 pages.
  2. English: try to find 10 examples of headlines from newspapers and changed it into proper language. and also "cut & stick" a news item article from the newspaper, and find the general structures.
  3. Biology: exercises from biology book & LKS.  a lot.
  4. Physics: i forgot about what's the task. but im sure its not too much. 10ish numbers maybe. but DIFFICULT.
  5. Chemistry: some 10-20ish exercises from the book.
  6. History: LKS. a lot.
  7. Civics: finish ALL the exercises from the modul. ALL THE EXERCISES IN THE 2nd semester.
  8. Eco: lotsa. more than 5 pages of exercises. with the accounting thingy also. T.T
that's all that i remembered. lots right?
PS i loathe you
(pic source: deviantart)

Friday, March 12

doodles :)

YELLOW bloggiesss :)
you know what? im having a Holiday for TWO WEEKS !
and i think there are still more holidays coming. thank God.
too bad those teachers give us LOTSA ASSignments.
srsly why do they dont wanna see us happy and free just for 1-2 days?

anyway, do you guys know doodles?

A doodle is a type of sketch, an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.
Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.
Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook.  (source:wikipedia)

i love to do doodling while in class.
much better rather than playing celfon, or talking with ur mates.
because once your teacher bust you, you're dead.

so these are couple of my doodlings during the civics class. Enjoy :)


 Too cool for school

so wadcha think?

 PS i loathe you

Saturday, March 6

Alice in Wonderland XD

good day fellas :)
have you seen "Alice in Wonderland"?
If you haven't, get your ass off to the cinema now!
It's effin awesome :) i just watched it yesterday with my besties.
Alice in Wonderland was my favorite book when i was kid. around 6-7 years old maybe.
so sad, i don't know where are those books now :(
one is "story & pictures" and the another one is "you choose the ending".
I wonder where are those books now. LOL.
i used to read it, and after im done, i just threw it away hahaha.

me, and Andira went to the mall first, to save the seats.
and you know what? we got the J seat. the 3rd seats from the front.
WTH? and then we both hang around like crazy.
nessa came later because she has school.

done we watched the movie, we hang around again. (I miss my gurrliess so much)
and we did a lil shoots at icon life's photo booth :)

there are still lotsa pics :) i edited & combined this one.

we saw hottie there haha.
and after the shoots are printed, i serioiusly need to get a new hair cut. my bangs are long enuf, even it is covering my eyes!

we tried some shoes @ debenhams :)

around 8 pm, nessa andira went home. lucky my family were oin the mall too.
i begged my mum for a new shampoo.first she didnt let me to, but finally my mum let me buy it! YAY!
Its L'oreal Paris Ultra rich. for a messed up hair like mine.
hope it has a good quality, just like the price. LOL

and then me and my family had dinner at GK, it was almost mid nite, and the restaurant was getting ready to closed.

and then we went home :)

i washed my hair with the new shampoo, and i cut my bangs. by my self.

thats all.
i'll update a post as often as i could bloggers.

thanks for reading :)

PS I loathe You