Saturday, October 24

MID-TERM was doneee! Hip-hip hurrayy!

WHOOAAAA miss ya blog!
been on mid-term exams this previous week. but its done olredy :0
hope i'll have good marks, in every subjects, no exception.
im not gonna lie, I DID A LIL CHEATING. yeah i did.
every students did, but i know someday who are smarts, and who are not that smarts will revealed.

on the last day of midterm tests, i saw p-man. walking with her gf. DAAAANGGG :C !

Oh iya, hari ini diajakin sama Maris ikut basket, disuruh pak erfan ato siapa gitu namanya bawa temen yang jangkung2.
mauuu siih, cuma IM NOT GOOD AT BASKET BALL. haha masa diantara anak2 basket yang jago cuma gue yang ga bisa.
Maris juga ga bisa sih, we're newbie tapi tetep aja. next week maybe ;)

hari ini juga seharusnya sparring scrabble sama SMAN 1, tapi guenya males.
terus i didnt practice choir juga. hahaha bandel!

soooo what did i do today?
ke SMP, mau menggalang dana (aseek bahasanya) buat mamahnya Bapak Eko yang lagi sakit parah. semoga cepet sembuh, GB.  
maunya ramean, tapi ujung2nya dateng cuma gue,Maria,sama Andira.
berangkatnya nebeng maria.
sungkem sama guru-guru. ngobrol-ngobrol, cerita-cerita.
dan banyak guru yang ngomomg "adekmu kok gitu sih?" atau  "adekmu bandel tuh!" atau "kok beda sama kakaknya?" bahkan si Pak Gun bilang "saya udah bilang ke adekmu, 'JANGAN MERUSAK REPUTASI KAKAKmu!' " buahaha macem-macem aja.
setelah ngobrol-ngobrol gue jadi semangat buat sekolah ;)

si ms yun nyuruh lawan my english teacher di SMA yang bilang 'who' dan 'whom' itu sama.
haha tapi gue ga berani. udah gitu dia bilang 'socks' jadi 'shock'
WTF? have you ever learn how to pronounce miss?

habis itu ngumpulin uangnya, nitip ke miss yunika.
ketemu2 ade-ade kelas. pada nanya2 sekolah dimana, enak engga, dan lain-lain. hihi susah ya eksis. (jiahhh)
bu yuni juga bilang "harus tetap eksis ya di SMA" haha thankyou ibu.

pas mau pulang kunci motornya maria HILANG! buahaha lagian ditinggal di motornya!
trus nanya ke pos satpam, ternyata di simpenin. THANKS SO!
Andira lanjut praktek biologi, yaudah gue n Maria pulang.
suddenly HUJAN DERAS! tapi tetep hantam!
si maria gue suruh ke rumah gue dulu gamau. dipaksa-paksa juga gamau. ckckck

akhirnya sampe rumah dalam keadaan basah kuyup. hihi

okayy thats all for today.updates soon :)

oh iya i still got no maid and its so sucks.

PS I loathe you

Sunday, October 11

in loveeee with P-Man

LOL yeahhh maybe its just another crush, but still.
i dont care he has gf olredy, or he's still single.
all i know he's so cute and nice and talented n science guy and have i mentioned cute?
i want to tell ya more about him but im afraid that my school mates will read n they will be known about him.
and this is a song for him :)

Miley Cyrus

smooth talkin,so rockin
he's got everythin that a girls wantin

guitar cutie he plays it groovy
and i can't keep myself from doin somethin stupid

think i'm really fallin for his smile
get butterfiles when says my name
he's got somethin special[x2]
and when he's lookin at me 
i wanna get all sentimental
he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]

maybe he could be the one
he could be the one
he could be the one oh,oh,oh
he could be the one [x2]
he could be the one oh,oh,oh

he's lightning sparks are flyin
eveywhere i go he's always on my mind
i'm goin crazy about him lately
and i can't help myself from now
my heart is racin think i'm really diggin on his vibe

he really blows me away
he's got somethin special [x2]
and when he's lookin at me
i wanna get all sentimental

he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]
maybe he could be the one he
he could be the one [x5]

and he's got away
of makin me feel
like everything i do is
perfectly fine the stars are aligned 
when i'm with him
and that's all into him
he's got somethin special [x2]
and when he's lookin at me

i wanna get all sentimental
he's got somethin special [x2]
i can hardly breathe something
telling me [x2]

maybe he could be the one
he could be the one [x6]

Saturday, October 3


still no maid. lots of school projects! *sigh
bikin kliping gitu, 20 halaman, terus bikin poster!
and then exams,  hws,no maid! no maid, no maid!

terus my school's bday is coming!
SMAN 5 tangerang :) n RAN will be the guest star. yooohooo!
choir mau perform juga, kea drumband gitu tapi sambil nyanyi n pake angklung, dan ga jalan.
maksudnya drumbandnya diem gitu, engga pawai.

besok minggu latihan pula. *sigh again

no maid, no maid, no maid.

PS i loathe you

books shopping!

yeah finally went to gramed last week :)
my lil sis' church friend, sidney, was having a bday party, jadi gue ikut nganter, tapi ga ikut pestanya.
me n my sis(grade 6) went to gramed, with rp100.000 sedoxo vouchers in our hand.
mama uda bilang "harus lebih dari 100, kalo kurang ga bisa, kalo lebih bisa tapi tambahin sendiri".

sebenernya pengen beli the clique-Lissi harisson , cuma haraganya 114.000! beuh, di times aja 98.000!

akhirnya gue ambil "a series of unfotunate events#12, the penultimate peril"-lemony snicket! gue emang suka ini series! 

tentang 3orphans gitu, terus dikejar2 sama organisasi yang terpecah jadi baik n jahat.
buku yang cerdas,seru banget, bacanya make otak. berat, ga bakal bikin lo seneng n terhibur,tapi seruu!

ada 13 series, yang uda di terjemahin 1-12. dan nomor 8 kebawah itu SUSAH banget nyarinya.
gue aja baca dari perpus SD ade gue, nitip.

and then me n my sis took "the lottie project"-jacqueline wilson! haha i always love jacqueline's!
sooo fresh, easy, childish, innocent, but they have a deep meanings n morals!
nah the lottie projectnya itu ga kesegel, gue ga tau harganya, dan gue ga mau yang ga kesegel.
gue minta ke mba-mba gramed yang baru-nya, tapi ga ada!
katanya tinggal satu2nya, so i took it. kondisinya juga bagus2 aja. tapi gue ga tau harganya.
haha, lanjuut!

my sis, retha ngambil banyak komik! haha gue pilihin, soalnya gue males nombok.
jadinya cuma satu, lupa judulnya, sama naruto-45 buat ade gue yg cowo.
and then, jeng jeng jeng,
time to pay,
gue kan ga tau harga the lottie project berapa, jadi gue siap2 20rb-an buat nambahin vouchernya,
eh ternyata PAS 100.000! haha,
gue kasih deh 2 voucher 50.00an,
dan..... shopping time ;))
terus dinner, terus daddy jemput, terus pulang deh!

PS i loathe you