Monday, June 28


this is the team i am supporting for 2010 worldcup. ESPANA!!!

&& this is the Man whom everybody loves



I am tall (for Indonesian's standard). 5'7"ish.
I stalk people. you better be careful.
I can't live without technology.
My tounge is sharp. Most of my words do hurt although i didnt mean it.
I am 16, & i do love watching disney channel.
I buy pirated DVDs.
I am a headstrong.
I am a booknerds.
I enjoy making new friends.
I am selfish.
I don't drink coffee. not because the caffeine or stuffs. I just dont like how it tastes.
I don't drink soda.
I play guitar (standard chords).
I sing everyday. or should i say everytime?
I wish i were rich(er).
I believe God has made the best plan for me.
I change my mind almost every hour.
I love my family though they're annoying sometime.
I am trying to do the best.

Love me or Hate me this is my self.
stay safe strangers.

--this is copied from about me section on my facebook.

PS I loathe you

Permanent December

hey fellas ;] new design of my blog. like it loathe it? i make it simpler than before. so which one you like better? this one or the old one?

anyway holiday's only two weeks left. though i have so much things to do & to be done.
GRAWRR. that's all. i know. absurd. bye.

PS I Loathe you 

Monday, June 21

total eclipse of the heart

hello fellas ;] school break is on! YEAH! && thank God my report card has a better progress. now here i am enjoying my days, saying "what to do today?" lol i wish i could say it everyday. too bad one of my fella is goin to move to Bali in the next year :( gonna miss you. ah anyway i have finished watching glee season 1. YAY. yes i just can't get enough.can't effin wait till the 2nd season.

anyway let me tell you about my favorite place. Times book store.

i love to go there for hours, spending times chilling up, drowning my self with  bunch of books. i have finished one book ;] & now im reading another one and it almost done.
the situation, the atmosphere, the view, is damn great. lotsa good books. i once went there to study physic with 2 of my friends. i often go there alone. you know, i feel uncomfort to went there with my friends. they might get bored in 15minutes lol.  sometimes i find people come just to have a chat, or a little meeting, or even just to have a wi-fi haha. we're not allowed to take pics there. you better be sneaky if you want to hihi

come for a visit fellas.  you'll heart the place.
oh i should get payment for promoting this lol

PS I loathe you

Saturday, June 12

ice-ice babyyyyy

nowplaying: ice ice baby- Glee

oh hai bloggers ;] thank God the exam week just done today. goodbye papers. goodbye waking-up-in-3-AM. good bye STUDYING! hihi almost all of my friends got their report card today. hem too bad i am in negri :p there's a week to the report card. GOSH. i dont know, high school feels so-so. it's hard to get good grades just like what i've done in junior high (not meant to showoff). ah hope i won't have remedial & stuffs. please God im tired enuf. & i hope all of my result is more than the average. 

& btw my pc has been good ;) i can save up looklet easily now.

visit more looks here

so what im gonna do this week? DVDS! MALL! HANGIN WITH MY PC. AH and also with my fellas.
& im going to benton this saturday night to meet up with some of my besties.

blog soon. 
wish me lucks.
PS I loathe you